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我的第一篇SCI投的是ACS下面的Crystal Growth & Design,整个投稿期间遇到了很多很多的问题,现在想着都觉得乱七八糟,时常感叹是不是自己人品不好不管怎么样,统统和大家交流交流。(二楼的四个附件是审稿意见等书信)






这个问题论坛上问的虫子也很多。很多期刊要求图片质量到600dpi并且要TIF格式。其实可以通过PS或者corel draw等作图软件导出这个图片,然后导出的时候选择TIF格式和600dpi,再选在LZW压缩,另外把尺寸改小一点(10000X10000的可以改到2000X2000就够用了,太大的话一张图片几十兆)

3关于Supporting Information

Supporting InformationACS下面期刊常见的部分,一般在文章的末尾处会有著名。内容一般是一些私下提交给审稿人的参考信息(例如详细的实验过程、实验数据等)但是不在文章里面发表的(有的是为了保密又得是为了简洁)。当时我由于经验不足,把一个不属于这个范畴的东西当成了Supporting Information传了过去,当然,审稿的时候没有造成什么影响,但是编辑在回复里面却让我按照模版把Supporting Information这一章节补上。这个时候我才去看Supporting Information到底是什么,才知道原来自己摆了乌龙。唉,现在想想就觉得好笑。没有办法,只有跟编辑写信问询,申请不写Supporting Information,并承认自己前期的错误,好在编辑啥也没说就同意了(实际上这些信件是助编处理的)。

4关于Table of Contents Graphic



345这三条都是编辑在审稿意见回来之后要求一定要弄好的重点。Copyright任何投稿都会遇到,也经常看到虫子问copyright的问题,无非是关于提交copyright的时间和里面的一些具体地方怎么填,还有就是如何给编辑。我在初稿的时候直接忽略掉的copyright,因为我看木虫上有人说copyright只是在接收后才有实际意义,那么也就是说晚点交copyright并不影响我正常的审稿。因此,对于大家来说,如果没有特别的要求的,一般不用太早提交copyrightCopyright的填写主要还是用pdf软件在上面直接打字,只需要在“Original Signatures这里亲笔写上和你文章作者顺序一致的作者的英文名就行了。另外,也许你会碰到“Print Authorized Names and Titles这样的文字,Title的意思相当于作者的身份。例如:张三是教授,李四是硕士,那么这里就用软件打上“San Zhang Professor),Si Li Master就行了。版权填好以后扫描后传给编辑(我是扫描成图片然后把图片做成PDF传回的)。




关于更换通讯作者邮箱,我犹豫了好久是否再给编辑问询信,后来想想怕把编辑惹毛(前面因为Supporting Information已经问询一次了)就算了。庆幸的是,编辑啥也没说,顺利搞定。因此,建议各位初次投稿的虫子,特别是自己写文章自己投的虫子,通讯作者是老板的,没错,但是通讯作者邮箱最好用自己的或者自己帮老板申请一个新的,专门对付这次投稿(当然,你有本事的话要到老板邮箱密码也行)。这样的话后期你就不会像我一样郁闷了,并且处理一些事情的时候会快很多(试想一下,当一封重要邮件躺老板邮箱里面,老板又联系不上或者不方便转给你会不会郁闷?)。因为,投稿过程中,编辑只会和通讯作者联系的。






看到很多虫子问英语不过关,怎么修改的问题。我说说我的经历。两个审稿人给我的审稿意中,英语评价都是Fair,说有很多的文字错误让我修改(实际只举出2个)。其实很多情况下是审稿人对母语非英语的作者的偏见而已。为了认真修改,我找了师兄帮我改了一遍。找了老板,请他找他美国的同学帮忙再改。综合两者的意见最后敲定。最后在修改稿原文中把修改过的地方全部用红笔标出,并且在response中逐条列举出:P1, L15 gas → P2, L15 gases),以显示自己的确对文章的语言进行了认真修改。最后,很顺利,两个审稿人都没有就语言说什么。


这个问题在论坛上也看过几次了。我这次也碰到了,和大家说说。我有篇重要文献还没有出版,俺引用了,后面用的是“in press”代替。但是后来想想不对,参考文献只有作者的名字(而且是中国人的文章,名是简写的),没有页码卷数,没有标题,要别人怎么搜?这个时候上小木虫求助了一下,有虫子告诉我用DOI来表示,很有道理,我最后也是这样照做的,没有一点问题。原文在这里(很感谢5楼的兄弟):http://muchong.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1152081

















Dear XXX: 

The reviews for your manuscript are enclosed with this letter. Please consider the reviewers’ comments. They have raised points that require significant consideration and revision of the manuscript before it is suitable for publication. However, with adequate response and revision, the manuscript may be acceptable for publication in Crystal Growth & Design. We would like to receive your revision as soon as possible, 180 days at the latest. 

To revise your manuscript, log into ACS Paragon Plus at http://paragonplus.acs.org/login and select “My Authoring Activity”. There you will find your manuscript title listed under “Revisions Requested by Editorial Office.” Your original files are available to you when you upload your revised manuscript. If you are replacing files, please remove the old version of the file from the manuscript before uploading the new file. 

When submitting your revised manuscript through ACS Paragon Plus, you will be able to respond to the comments made by the reviewers in the text box provided or by attaching a file containing your detailed responses to all of the points raised by the reviewers. 

Prior to submitting the manuscript, ensure that the manuscript addresses the following points: 

Format: Your revised manuscript must adhere to ACS format, especially references. For your convenience I have enclosed Crystal Growth & Design guidelines for authors. Note that in ACS Paragon Plus, authors have the option of embedding graphics into the manuscript or supplying graphics separately. 

Table of Contents Graphic: **PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR TOC GRAPHIC AT THE END OF YOUR MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT** Crystal Growth & Design requires a Table of Contents Graphic and a brief Synopsis consisting of 60 words or less. The graphic requested for the table of contents entry could be in the form of a structure, graph, drawing, SEM/TEM photograph, or reaction scheme. The author must submit a graphic in the actual size to be used for the Table of Contents, to be 1.375 inches high x 3.5 inches wide. Type size of labels, formulas, or numbers within the graphic must be legible. Tables or spectra are not acceptable. Please label this page “For Table of Contents Use Only” and include the manuscript title and authors. 

Supporting Information: A paragraph titled Supporting Information Available should be included after the acknowledgement paragraph. The last line of the paragraph should read as follows: This information is available free of charge via the Internet at http: //pubs.acs.org. 

Copyright: A copyright form is included. If you have not provided the signed copyright form for your manuscript, please upload a signed and scanned copy of the form with the revised manuscript, or fax it to 205-348-08923, or e-mail it to crystal2@crystal.acs.org. 


Allan S. Myerson 

Associate Editor 

Crystal Growth & Design 

Phone: 312 567 3101 

Fax: 312 567 5205 

Email: crystal2@crystal.acs.org 

Reviewers‘ Comments to Author: 

Reviewer: 1 

Recommendation: Publish after major revision. 


The manuscript under review provides a report of worthwhile results & should eventually be published. XXX is one of the most important biomaterials; XXX is highly desirable. In creation of a revised manuscript, the following has to be taken into account: 

A It would be good to provide – or at least give a reference to – a perspective on the role of XXX among biomaterials. Such a perspective has been provided by XXX [1]. 

B The English style is rough, what detracts the reader from appreciating the results. Already in the Abstract we read that a relation “was thought”.Only thinking was done but no calculations ? What does “caught many attentions all along” mean ? Even the name of Clapyeron is misspelled, not once, we read “Clapyron”. The entire manuscript has to be reviewed from the point of view of the English style and corrections introduced accordingly. 

C Real gases do not obey the ideal gas laws. How large or small an error is made using Eq. 2 A brief discussion would help. 

D Eq. 6 appears in the paper 3 times. 


1. XXX

Originality: Excellent 

Technical Quality: Good 

Clarity of Presentation: Fair 

Importance to Field: Excellent 

Please list any possible additional reviewers for this manuscript.:  

Reviewer: 2 

Recommendation: Publish after major revision. 


This work and its results, namelly the control over the pore size of “flower like” XXX, are of potential interest and deserve publication. 

The manuscript is however ill written and there are many typing and gramatical mistakes. The most important of all is that the name “Clapeyron” has been written “Clapyron”.

The equation should be removed from the abstract : it brings nothing at this level. 

There are also, more important, technical points : 

1. The authors should explain how they calculate or measure the effective pressure in the autoclave. I would prefer a measure than a calculation. 

2. Concerning Figure 1 : the authors should add a reference IR spectrum of a regular “XXX” sample. 

3. Concerning Figure 2 : the authors should add the position of the diffraction peaks expected for “XXX”. These peak positions are available in the form of JCPDS files. 

Originality: Good 

Technical Quality: Poor 

Clarity of Presentation: Fair 

Importance to Field: Fair 

Please list any possible additional reviewers for this manuscript.: 

Date Sent:



Dear eitor:

Thanks a lot for your reviews to our manuscript. We acknowledge your comments and constructive suggestions very much, which are valuable for improving the quality of our manuscript. We have revised the manuscript according to the reviewers’ comments in detail. We hope, with these modifications and improvements based on your suggestions and the reviewers’ comments, the quality of our manuscript would meet the publication standard of Crystal Growth & Design. 

The revisions have been done in the attached manuscript. Some explanations regarding the revisions of our manuscript are as follows. If you have any question, please contact us without hesitate.

To reviewer 1:      






To reviewer2:      







Dear Prof. Dr.XXX:

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication in Crystal Growth & Design. Your manuscript has been forwarded to the ACS Publications office.  You will be contacted in the near future by the ACS Journal Publishing Staff regarding the page proofs for your manuscript.

Publication will proceed as soon as your corrections are received. You are advised to read your galley proofs with great care to ensure that any patent issues are resolved before you return your corrections.  Corrected papers will typically be published on the Web within 2-5 days of receipt of corrections.  Papers with no corrections may be posted in as little as 24 hours.

Note that ACS Publications is undergoing a major reengineering project to update our production systems to provide a platform to enhance the communication of research and to more widely disseminate published content. During the course of the project, your galley proof may require extra time to be processed, though ACS is striving to publish your paper in the fast timeframe that you have come to expect from ACS. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the ACS office at acsproof@acs.org  or  614-447-3600 x3171.

We appreciate your cooperation as well as your contribution to Crystal Growth & Design.

Best regards,

Allan S. Myerson 


Dear Editor,

We are very pleased to hear from you for the acceptance and publication of our MS in Crystal Growth & Design XXX

Firstly, may we add Dr. XXX as the second author in this paper Dr. XXX played an important role in our group. He made a significant contribution to the previous study and this work such as the study on the preparation and characterization of XXX the key reference [28] in this paper), the study on the XXX)。 However, due to our carelessness, his name was omitted from the authors. Thus, we request your agreement to add his name in order to remedy the carelessness. We deeply recognize that it’s serious to add an author after revision and we are sorry for that. The attachments 1 and 2 are the new revised manuscript and the new copyright which might be necessary. 

The second is about the Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and the TOC Graphic. We have drawn the three new colorful schematic illustrations TIF, 600dpi in order to make the paper more intuitively clear. Shall we use these new illustrations to replace the initial grayscale ones? The attachments 3-5 are the new illustrations which might be necessary. 

We are sorry to disturb you and thank you very much for your kind consideration in advance. If you have any question, please contact us without hesitate. 

With best regards. 

(来源:小木虫论坛 作者:cxksama


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